Friday, March 30, 2007

Addiction Affliction...What's my Fiction?

Addiction Affliction...What's my Fiction?
Inflicting nerds and mazes and causes.

My Schoolhouse Rock lyrics aren't as educational and a little bit more depressing. But this morning when I almost considered abandoning my whole day and any plans I had for it when I was unable to locate my $8-dollar a bean, chocolate-covered espresso beans. I couldn't imagine going to school, or getting any work done without my tasty pick-me up that I have come to rely on. Caffeine and chocolate, the chocolate is something I love and the caffeine is something I need. But as I tore my room apart, which already looked like the Geese room after I tore it apart (maybe an early sign of my addiction...I just wanted some Golden Chocolate eggs), the thought entered my head...maybe somebody stole them. I thought of my roommates and friends I have had over, wondering how they found them in the mess that is my room. But I was convinced...until through tears and sobs I located them...under some jeans.

After I washed down "My Precious" with some Mountain Dew and washed the tears and sleep out of my eyes, I realized it was ridiculous for me to even think someone stole them. Practically no one knows I even have these expensive little treats that have improved my life and made it bearable again. Then the even more ridiculous thought crept into my head, maybe I have a problem. In a world where people choose money over people, drink 4 margaritas at lunch, throw up in library bathrooms to avoid gaining weight, I will choose to ignore my problem like so many others do. Those little beans enhance my life like nothing else ever has.

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