Sunday, February 25, 2007

Backlog of TIIRs

Yeah I know I haven't been keeping up with my posting of things. I am still trying to redeem myself and still have goals and what not. But my head went into a bloody spin after my last test and it took me a while to bounce back. But back to the posting and studying.

Week of Jan 29-Feb 4:
Studying: 1 day, 16h 37m 01s (all new record of 10 hour 34 minutes on 2/3/2007)
Exercise: to busy studying
Diet: still eating on the run which isn't that healthy
Social: maybe watched a little TV in between studying but nothing exciting

Week of Feb 5- Feb 11
Studying: none at all just trying to recover post test
Exercise: completely worn out
Diet: too much in a daze to remember
Social: caught up with people on the phone, paid bills, visited my cousin

Week of Feb 12-Feb 18:
Studying: 2h 44m 47s
Exercise: just busy crying which turned out to be good workout for my abs
Diet: stress eating
Social: visited my cousin, dabbled in video production

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