Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Intention Is Redemption-Week 4

Well my social life will have its own special posting about my birthday celebrations once they are finally over. Main focus has been studying, not as good as last week but I didn't have a party celebrating me last week either. Only an hour difference. I have to keep it up, the test is next week. Hopefully I will set a new record this week.

Week of Jan 22-28:

Studying: 1 day 1 hours 12 minutes (a little less than the week before)
Exercise: 2 miles (video tape) that didn't last too long since studying
Diet: still eating on the run which isn't that healthy
Social: Had a surprise birthday bash thrown by my friends

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Intention Is Redemption-Week 3

So I don't know what it is saying that I feel like I don't have anytime to even post this. But I have really stepped up the academic thing...about 4-6 hours a day. Not much besides studying since I was sick. But trying to keep my spirits up as the studying gets more intense (much like that ride on Wonkatania, not too much fun, but it gets you there).

Week of Jan 15-21:
Studying: 1 day 2 hours 2 minutes (big improvement from the week before)
Exercise: not much of that since I was sick most of the weekend
Diet: Plenty of high sodium soup mixes...main goal was to get better
Social: Discovered the wonder that is Uno's Happy Hour Bar menu (really low prices) with a friend

Friday, January 19, 2007

School over Snozzberries is the way to go.

Snozzing is what I like to refer to when indulging in snozzberries. That is one thing I do have to thank that Wonka Wanker for; introducing me to the wonder that is the snozzberry. Snozzberries really are the best, they make you feel so alive and wonderful during and a couple days afterwards. But in this day and age, this day being one of many that I am in school and my age of knowing that I can't just take snozzberries from any old stranger, snozzberries are hard to come by. If I am lucky I can maybe indulge in them once a month but that is even rare. I have seriously gone years without snozzberries.

But I was having tea with Ms. Cornelia Prinzmetel and she mentions to me between all her lip-smacking, gum-chewing that last month she went three days sans snozzberries due to her studying for tests and nearly went crazy, mind you this is right after she calls me a snozzberry addict. Why did she call me an addict you inquire? Oh because I accepted a Snozzberry from Mike Teavee (he and I had a thing in the past). Now Mike although he has matured quite a bit still hasn't gotten there quite yet, he is always trying to shoot people with that fake gun of his (Good thing his dad did not get him that Colt 45 when he turned 12). But despite's Mike's immaturity, he was always pleasant and funny in his own way and I don't see anything wrong with taking snozzberries from him, plus it was New Year's. What better time to Snozz then on New Year's!

Although jealous of Cornelia Prinzmetal's constant Snozzing (I don't even know where she finds so many snozzberries, she can be real secretive about it) and slightly annoyed about her complaining about three measly little days without Snozzing, I think she has a good point. I do waste an awful lot of my time thinking about and searching for Snozzberries. I have even resorted to looking online for them, I have been to nervous to actually buy any since I am real picky about my Snozzberry selection. For example,I found myself the other night craving Snozzberries in the worst kind of way. It was 3 am and there I was watching clips of Snozzberry juice making, old Snozzberry commercials, reading about Snozzberry picking, and even looking at some photos of Snozzberries in general, like Snozzberries with other berries in a bowl on the kitchen counter, people eating Snozzberries at work, families eating Snozzberries, Snozzberries in farmer's markets, Snozzberris in every kind of situation imaginable. Of course giving me the illusion that everyone in the world has Snozzberries except me. Which is not true because I went searching for the Snozzberries or at least pictures of them. But I digress, Cornelia Prinzmetal's comment made me realize that although I constantly search for Snozzberries, there are no Snozzberries (or the people that provide them) out there searching for me.

Time to stop the madness, I am going to spend my thoughts in other ways and not always thinking of those damn Snozzberries. I don't want to be the kind of girl that takes Snozzberries from strangers, or just eats Snozzberries for the sake of eating them and not enjoying them. I am not that kind of girl. Although few and far between, every Snozzberry I have had I did enjoy at the moment. I will admit some did give me a dreadful tummyache afterwards. I want to continue enjoying Snozzberries until old age sets in, past the age where most people continue to enjoy Snozzberries. If I continue to obsess over them, then I may become desperate and start eating the moldy, suspect ones I have avoided in the past. So I will stop looking at photos, old movie clips, and reading about them. I will even divert my thoughts away from Snozzberries. I have bigger fish to fry (my marks in School) and Snozzberries will always be there. I also figure if I am failing in School would I even enjoy my Snozzberries as much, probably not. When Mike Teavee gave some Snozzberries to me, they were fine but academic disaster still loomed in the air and it just wasn't the same.
Snozzing I shall have None of that...For Now!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Feeling Better

So I made it to the doctor today, he confirmed my suspicions that my thermometer is indeed not broken but I am sick. My temp was struggling to make it to 96 degrees. My blood pressure is a little elevated but I suspect all the prepackaged soup mixtures are not the most low sodium foods. He informed me it is viral and can last as long as 14 days alas it is only day 7 for me. I am not going to push myself and relapse later on, so I plan on returning to school friday. So I napped and studied, studied and napped. And my friends good news indeed, it is only Wednesday and I have already surpassed last week's study time. I managed to get 6 hours of studying today in between my naps, and dressing and undressing to get warm or cool off. I am real proud of myself. I have one engagement tomorrow evening I hope to log another 5 hours of study before I go. I also need to clean my room it is a mess. For those of you who know me ever since that dreadful factory tour, daddy took away the maid; so my room is always in a state of disarray but this is beyond normal due to coming back from vacation and then falling ill. I still have my luggage out. Need to put those away before someone falls. There are somethings I do miss from the old days (before I met that horrible bastard in the funny hat...his chocolate doesn't even taste that good) and one of them is having a clean room. Why can't I have someone clean my room? Wonka has those handy little Oompa Loompas, I bet he doesn't even clean anything in that dreadful factory of his. I have wasted enough time complaining, I could have picked up about 5 items off my floor in that time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Intention is Redemption...Week 2

Ok so some residual anger at my position. It is expected, what isn't expected is that it is not ok for me to display this at all. The higher powers that be would love me to see professional help. Which is fine with me, what I have a problem with is the higher powers thinking this is a new idea. I used to see a lady and somehow it stopped but not for lack of my trying to reach her. Obviously my therapist has more important people to see. But now that I am angry (not much unlike the time that wanker Wonka had me fall down the garbage chute) it is like I have a problem I have been ignoring. I was trying to avoid it and people didnt want to help and now it is my fault. Goody for people that can help themselves and have no problems. I am just trying to keep the therapists, psychologists and other head shrinkers employed, or at least my own for the time being. Enough of the angry rants.

I want to end on a high note so I will say that my week ended with me dreadfully ill; cough, runny nose, body aches, chills...so a little bit more than a head cold which is what I thought it was.

Highlights of the week. I got 2 hours of studying in before I went out dancing with my friends. I even got along with the marginal people in the group, some I stopped talking to last year. I ate greasy dinner food, post clubbing (not helping with the healthy diet goals I have been vague about). I went on a date...pretty much blind dating of the online variety (ok I guess I am a loser in more ways than one). I thought he looked better than the picture I had seen and was quite charming. I had a good time...and he, well he was out with me (I was 1.5 hours late...so it might not have been so good for him.)

Week of Jan 8-14:
Studying: 10 hours 57 minutes (big improvement from the week before)
Exercise: 15 laps in pool on wednesday (should probably do better)
Diet: not still on vacation but somehow ignoring this due to no groceries and eating cafeteria food.
Social: Went out on Friday dancing (lots of fun), had a date Sat. afternoon and now I am sick...I would like to think it is a coincidence. I was actually getting sick before any of my social events happened.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Intention Is Redemption (kick off)

I am in a position I don't want to be in. I want to move on with my life but have a huge obstacle to overcome. Having suffered some failures and set backs this past 2 years I have some rough road ahead. So this is my plan, is to take myself from this less then optimal position and put me back in the running, and back on top (not that I have actually ever been there). My goal is academic and academic alone. So the name of my project is The Intention is Redemption (TIIR), so I will post updates about my progress. Minimum of at least once a week to see how many study hours I logged in, main goal is studying but I may include exercise and diet, and social highlights. This blog will help me deflect my anger and frustration and focus on the task at hand. So here it goes.

Week of Jan 1-7:
Studying: 4 hours 27 minutes
Exercise: umm still working on that
Diet: was on vacation for most of it so lets ignore that for now
Social: Went to California for the first time and absolutely loved it