Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Intention Is Redemption (kick off)

I am in a position I don't want to be in. I want to move on with my life but have a huge obstacle to overcome. Having suffered some failures and set backs this past 2 years I have some rough road ahead. So this is my plan, is to take myself from this less then optimal position and put me back in the running, and back on top (not that I have actually ever been there). My goal is academic and academic alone. So the name of my project is The Intention is Redemption (TIIR), so I will post updates about my progress. Minimum of at least once a week to see how many study hours I logged in, main goal is studying but I may include exercise and diet, and social highlights. This blog will help me deflect my anger and frustration and focus on the task at hand. So here it goes.

Week of Jan 1-7:
Studying: 4 hours 27 minutes
Exercise: umm still working on that
Diet: was on vacation for most of it so lets ignore that for now
Social: Went to California for the first time and absolutely loved it

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